A broody brock was
sitting in the sun
He hasn’t done a
dezzick since he was born.
Still, he done
something all right: he drove amakin everyone all-on.
He kept bawling at
the bedhead stone
Begridging about a
beggar’s knees he saw,
On birds wedding day
last year.
As big as a mammoth
trump it was…
A regular treat to
billus about.
And every day and
every night the birchet biled
Of his rather
bettermost find.
But one day a brady
leaves smell fell in the air,
It was our brencheese
friend who could not anymore bare.
The purple rabbit
arrived as fast as he could brish.
“Heard about this
brock in the woods
Who is botchy at
boulder-boats and boulder-heads.
I! I am brave and I
be the bozzler round this pekid times.”
“Yeah… yeah! But I be
making a pawn of money in a porn of this times!”
The rabbit in a rush
lathered the brock to the ground
The brock gave the
rabbit the latten bells to the head
And so they went all
on it the ensuing battle.
Until the mortacious
blow was delivered.
The moral one of this
misagreed mizmazed tale is so unfit
Cause, you see, the
bear had a great weekend and all he could eat.