luni, 23 februarie 2015

About a fantasy...

Mystical and in mists is the dowry of a fantasy,
Yet unbeknownst to mortals it crept at dawn in my veins…
For the court had sentenced me to an eternity of lustful chimeras.
At the grayish specters mirrored on the lake’s surface
Nothingness poured a magnetic canvas from clouds of ash
As the sultry lead trees yield in submission and gaze sublime.
Every silhouette is stained in unshaped majestic memories.
Sorted between mind and heart, chaos had won;
You are the prize it brought, denuded, famished, alluring,
Isolated and lonesome for tender flesh… you consume me raw.
Sins are exposed in pearlescent heaven of passions,
Youthful layers of tempestuous savagery are dedicated to my decay…
Opiated I am in the tenebrous shadows of her glittering physique…
Unbeknownst to all her harrowing torture is a concealed benediction.

miercuri, 11 februarie 2015


Mălăxirea-mi numirată
Iasti cafe dizñirdată
Caseună măgipsită
Cu feamina țea nghisată
N putire mblătită
E dimineatsâ ghizmedzumată

Mălăxirea-mi – obișnuirea-mi
Numirată – numărată
Iasti – este
Cafe – cafeaua
Dizñirdată – dezmierdată
Caseună – fiecare
Măgipsită – fermecată
Feamina – femeia
Țea – cea
Nghisată – visată
N –în
Putire – potire
Mblătită – împletită
E – și
Dimineatsâ – dimineață
Ghizmedzumată - dijmuită

marți, 10 februarie 2015


Birthed into chaos before man was forged,
Her voice a whisper of promise,
Her touch is a decadent bliss.
Wanderer of untamed path,
She received the baptism in crimson blood
Enchanting mortals under unholy pleasures.
The demonic euphoria enshrouds the sinners…
When twilight of souls heralds the darkness
The innocent are abducted, the matriarchs devoured;
Death is her maiden and all is senseless…
She confronted Eve and other known fiends
On how she possesses and toys the spirits from times old
By quill and voice in legends is foretold.
Two masks, two realms,
An image mirrored from within,
Everything falls as a leaf tied to her branch
Under seduction and life departing powers.
Be aware! Beware! And always in freight.
Before dawn whenever comes the night!

duminică, 1 februarie 2015

Official poster - the opening of Cenaclul Lectura - Bucharest, Romania

Dacă aveți drumuri pe aleile Bucurescilor,
Dacă sunteți hoinari pe versurile reveriei lor,
Dacă aveți oricând de ducă dor,
Dacă vă nimeriți întâmplător,
Dacă haosul în întuneric vă pare mai strălucitor...
Dacă se află altceva dincolo de acest dacă nepieritor?